The Mumbai-Pune Expressway, also called as Yashwantrao Chavan Expressway, will experience a traffic block for three days, from January 27 to January 29, 2025, to facilitate the installation of girders for a new bridge being constructed by the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) at Km. 58/500 near Dongargaon/Kusgaon on the Pune-bound lane.

The block will be enforced daily from 12 pm to 3 pm on the above dates. During this period, traffic heading from Mumbai to Pune will be diverted at Km. 54/700 towards the Varsoli Toll Naka (National Highway No. 48) and routed via Dehu Road. However, vehicles traveling from Pune to Mumbai will remain unaffected and continue to use the Mumbai-bound lane of the expressway.

Post 3 pm on each of the three days, traffic from Mumbai to Pune will resume on the designated Pune-bound lane of the expressway.

Commuters are advised to plan their travel accordingly and make use of the alternative routes specified for Mumbai-to-Pune traffic during these hours. Drivers requiring assistance during the block can contact the Mumbai-Pune Expressway control room at 9822498224 or the Highway Police Department at 9833498334 for support.

This initiative is part of ongoing infrastructure development, and authorities urge travelers to cooperate during the specified period.