Former Maharashtra minister and Shiv Sena (UBT) MLA from Mumbai's Worli constituency launched a massive attack against Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis over his ongoing Switzerland visit and alleged that the CM "signed most of the MoUs with local companies."
According to news agency ANI, Aaditya Thackeray described the Maharashtra CM's Davos visit as an "eyewash" and said, "They signed 54 MoUs... They signed most of the MoUs with local companies. There should be a balance between all companies, but MoUs were mostly with Indian companies. This government signed MoUs with builders and real estate... So, why the MoUs drama by the government in Davos? They can sign such MoUs in India itself."
Hitting out at the Mahayuti government, he said, "Why do you go to Davos, Switzerland, and spend crores of rupees there? It's an eyewash by the Chief Minister. We did not see the Urban Development Minister of Maharashtra in Davos. Industrial Minister Uday Samant was also not in Davos... You signed MoUs with Hiranandani and other Indian builders in Davos."
Aaditya's attack against the Maharashtra CM comes a day after Devendra Fadnavis announced that the state has signed 54 MoUs with investment worth Rs 15.75 lakh crore and that almost 98 per cent of the investments will be through Foreign Direct Investment.
Addressing the media on Thursday, Maharashtra CM claimed, "We have signed 54 MoUs with mega companies, along with seven strategic partners, taking our total investments to Rs 15.75 lakh crore. This will help generate 16 lakh jobs."
Maharashtra CM Fadnavis left for Davos, Switzerland, last Sunday to attend the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting from 20-24 January.
Meanwhile, the Congress party on Friday demanded that the state government release a white paper on the investment proposals. Maharashtra Congress president Nana Patole in a press conference in Mumbai stated that while investments in the state are welcome, the public has a right to know the specifics of these agreements and the reality behind them.