Reliance Digital on Thursday announced the return of India’s biggest electronics sale, the ‘Digital India Sale’ promising unparalleled discounts on a wide range of electronics. Customers can enjoy an instant discount of up to ₹26000 on purchases made with leading bank cards. This offer is applicable at all Reliance Digital & My Jio stores and online at In-store shoppers can opt for multiple finance options, with cashback of up to ₹26000 on Consumer Durable loans. Customers can enjoy up to ₹1000 discount on Accessories & Small Appliances when using UPI. Upgrading to the latest technology has never been this easy! The Digital India Sale is live nationwide until 26th January 2025.

Customers looking for Laptops can take their pick from Work & Learn Core i3 range starting at ₹26999*, Creator core i5H range starting at ₹47599* and Gaming RTX 3050 range starting at ₹49999*. The small screen wonder, Samsung Tablet A9+ starts from ₹10999*.

Fans of flip phones can grab the Motorola razr 50 Ultra 12GB / 512GB, awarded the ‘Best Flip phone of 2024’, at just ₹69999* with free Moto Buds+ (sound by Bose) worth ₹9999.

For the best cinematic experience, there are 190cm (75) 4K UHD TVs starting at ₹59990*. For fans of big screen entertainment there are 140cm (55) TVs starting at ₹27990* with EMIs of just ₹1990. There’s also up to 50% discount on Dolby Digital sound-bars.

Fitness enthusiasts can strap the Apple Watch Series 10 at ₹38900* (Price post bank cashback & exchange – valid from 24th to 26th January).

Beat the heat with 1.5T 3 Star ACs starting at ₹26990*. Buy Washer dryer starting at ₹4849* per month and take home a free JBL BT speaker worth ₹4990. Upgrade your fresh food storage with Side by Side refrigerators starting at ₹47990* .

Audiophiles can take their pick from Truly Wireless non-ANC earbuds with 13mm driver starting at ₹899 and ANC earbuds with 4 mics & 40 hours play time starting at ₹1499.

Perfect time to upgrade your home! Enjoy 5% off when you buy any 1 product, 10% off when you buy any 2, and a whopping 15% off when you purchase 3 or more products from Home & Kitchen appliances.