Sehore (Madhya Pradesh): A Panchayat Coordination Officer (PCO) allegedly misbehaved with a woman Janpad Panchayat CEO in Sehore on Friday. He lost temper during a discussion regarding cluster work allocation orders, following which he barged into her office, hurled abuses at her and threatened her of dire consequences.

Police have taken cognisance of the issue based upon a complaint registered by the CEO.

According to information, the accused have been identified as Ashok Singh, employed as a Panchayat Coordination Officer in MP's Sehore. Sehore Janpad Panchayat CEO has been identified as Namita Baghel. According to sources, the incident unfolded during a discussion on cluster work allocation orders. Panchayat Coordination Officer (PCO) Ashok Singh reportedly barged into her cabin in a fit of anger. He not only used abusive language but also issued death threats, demanding that the orders be revoked.

CEO Baghel filed a formal complaint with the Mandi Police, detailing the PCO's misconduct. Acting swiftly, the police registered an FIR against Singh under relevant sections and initiated an investigation into the matter. Taking cognisance of the severity of the situation, the District Collector intervened promptly. Singh was suspended with immediate effect and attached to the Bhairunda Janpad Panchayat while the inquiry is underway.