The Girl with the Needle is a historical, psychological thriller film starring Victoria Carmen Sonne as Karoline in the lead role. It premiered on May 15, 2024, at the Cannes Film Festival and later, it was released in theatres on January 23, 2025. The film is streaming on OTT.

Where to watch The Girl With The Needle?

The film is premiering on MUBI. The streaming platform shared the trailer of the film on X and wrote, "Every frame is a painting in Magnus von Horn's Oscar-shortlisted THE GIRL WITH THE NEEDLE. Streaming this Friday. A MUBI Release."


The film tells the story of a young woman named Karoline, who struggles to survive in Copenhagen after World War I. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she becomes both pregnant and unemployed. However, she finds joy when Dagar, who operates an underground adoption agency, offers her a job. As they work together, they develop a strong bond. Everything seems to be going well until Karoline discovers a shocking truth about her job. What happens next is unveiled in the film.

Cast and production of The Girl With The Needle

The cast of the film includes Vic Carmen Sonne as Karoline, Besir Zeciri as Peter, Trine Dyrholm as Dagmar, Joachim Fjelstrup as Jorgen, Avo Knox Martin as Erena, Tessa Hoder as Frida, Ari Alexander as Svendsen, and Anders Hove as the Judge.

It is written and directed by Magnus von Horn and Line Langebek. The film is produced by Malene Blenkov and Mariusz Włodarski under the banner of Nordisk Film Denmark, Lava Films, Lower Silesia Film Centre, EC1 Łódź, and Nordisk Film Sweden.