FIITJEE has abruptly shut down several centers across India, leaving parents and students in a state of distress. According to reports media reports, the closed centers are located in Delhi, Meerut, Ghaziabad, Lucknow, Varanasi, Bhopal, Patna, Noida, and Pune, affecting over 1,100 students.

According to News9 reports, two FIITJEE centers in Pune are shut down and 300 plus students are in an uncertain position because of it. Another center, in Rajnagar District, is also closed; about 800 students are affected similarly.

In an interview with Hindustan Times, two former teachers from the Patna center revealed that they resigned because of months-long unpaid salaries. One teacher explained, “I have been teaching there for more than four years but I left the Patna coaching center in November last year because I had not been paid since July 2024.”

Parent's concern

Parents have also raised concerns about the abrupt closures. While speaking to ANI, Rajiv Kumar Chaudhary, a concerned parent, shared, “We are here to file an FIR against FIITJEE today. We had paid 100% of the fees for five years, with two years remaining. On Monday, we received a message from FIITJEE to shift our children to Aakash Institute.”

Avinash Kumar, another parent, also spoke to ANI on January 23, stating, "We had enrolled our child in FIITJEE, and now it has been shut down. We have come here to file an FIR... Management is not picking up their phones. They all are fraudsters. They must return our money to us. The government needs to act because it affects my child's future also.

The current situation has made many students uncertain about the preparation for the exam, and parents are demanding answers and refunds from the coaching institute.