New Delhi: Delhi Police impounded a motorcycle after two boys, one claiming to be the son of AAP MLA Amanatullah Khan, were caught misbehaving during a patrol. The incident occurred when police spotted the boys riding a Bullet motorcycle on the wrong side of the road, creating loud noise using a modified silencer and riding in a zigzag manner.

One Of The Boys Claimed To Be AAP MLA's Son

When stopped, one of the boys claimed to be the son of Amanatullah Khan and accused the police of targeting him because of his father’s political position. When asked for a driving license and identification, the boys refused, stating they didn’t need to provide them. One of them even called Amanatullah Khan and handed the phone to the Station House Officer (SHO). Despite the interaction, the boys left without revealing their names or addresses.

An Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) brought the bike to the police station. A case was registered and a challan was issued under several violations. The bike remains impounded, according to Delhi Police.

Amanatullah Khan Contesting Delhi Assembly Polls From Okhla Seat

This incident has surfaced amid the ongoing 2025 Delhi Assembly election campaigns. Amanatullah Khan, the AAP candidate, is contesting from the Okhla constituency, which he has represented since 2015. Khan faces competition from BJP's Manish Chaudhry and Congress’ Ariba Khan. AIMIM leader Shifa Ur Rehman is also in the race for the Okhla seat.

Amanatullah Khan has previously won the Okhla constituency in both the 2015 and 2020 elections, defeating BJP candidate Braham Singh, who came in second place. The constituency is set for a triangular contest this time, adding to the election's intensity.

About Delhi Assembly Elections 2025

The Delhi Assembly, with 70 seats, will hold elections in a single phase on Wednesday, February 5. Vote counting and results will take place on Saturday, February 8.