Hyderabad: A shocking incident surfaced from Telangana's Hyderabad where a former Army personnel brutally murdered his wife and disposed of her body. The man claimed that he chopped his wife's body parts into pieces and boiled them in a pressure cooker. The incident took place on January 15. The police are verifying the man's claims. The accused, Guru Murthy, has been taken into custody. The victim has been identified as 35-year-old Puttavenkata Madhavi.
Madhavi's family lodged a missing complaint on January 18. Guru Murthy initially claimed that his wife left the home after an argument. However, during questioning by the police he confessed to his crime.
As per the accused, he disposed of the body parts in a lake after boiling them, reported PTI. The suspect is currently employed as a security guard. The man allegedly brutally murdered his wife after an argument broke out between the two.
During the initial probe, it was found out that for the last few days, the man and his wife were having frequent quarrels between them, reported IANS. The investigating officials questioned Guru Murthy, who confessed to the crime.
The police have registered a case into the matter and started a detailed investigation.
He revealed shocking details. The accused told police that he murdered his wife, cut the body into pieces and boiled them in a pressure cooker. The search was on for the victim's body parts in the lake. Guru Murthy had served in the Army and after taking retirement, he was working as a security guard at DRDO in Kanchan Bagh on an outsourcing basis.
According to a TOI report, Guru Murthy chopped the body of her wife in the bathroom and then boiled the parts in a pressure cooker. As per the report, the accused then separated the bones, ground them using a pestle and boiled them again. After boiling the flesh and bones for three days several times, the accused reportedly packed and dumped them into Meerpet Lake.
Madhavi married Guru Murthy 13 years ago. They have two children. After killing his wife, the accused approached Meerpet Police Station along with her parents.
This murder case was similar to a ghastly crime in Thane's Mira Road near Mumbai in 2023 where a 32-year-old woman was murdered by her 56-year-old live-in partner. The accused in that case had also cut the corpse into pieces with a tree cutter, boiled the pieces in a pressure cooker so that there was no foul smell and then filled them in plastic bags to dispose them of.
(With inputs from agencies)