The National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) on Thursday overturned the Competition Commission of India's (CCI) 5-year ban on WhatsApp for failing to share user data with other Meta group companies, which was a significant victory for Mark Zuckerberg's Meta Inc. A 50 per cent deposit was required in order for the appellate tribunal to stay the Rs 213 crore penalty.

Conflict between CCI and WhatsApp parent Meta

WhatsApp's parent company, Meta, was fined Rs 213.1 crore by the CCI in November for 'abusing its dominant position' in enforcing the messaging app's privacy policy in 2021.

The privacy policy 'was implemented and how user data was collected and shared with other Meta companies' are the subjects of the action against Meta.

In addition to issuing cease-and-desist orders, the CCI instructed Meta and WhatsApp to put specific behavioral corrections into place within a specified time frame.