Bollywood actress Swara Bhasker, known for her bold opinions and critically acclaimed performances, has revealed that she has been 'blacklisted' by the film industry. The actress, who was last seen in the 2022 film Jahaan Chaar Yaar, believes her political views have led to her career setbacks.
In an interview with BBC News India, she shared her perspective on the challenges she has faced due to her outspoken stance on political issues. "I have been blacklisted for the kind of political opinions that I have. There's no point denying that now. It's so obvious. But I'm not very bitter about it. I chose a path and I knew there would be a price to pay," she said.
However, Swara admitted that the situation is painful but not entirely unexpected. "It feels bad. I loved my work and I still love it. I was a very competent actor, hopefully I still will be. So that part hurts, but it's fine as I understand the context," she added.
'I don't blame Bollywood for blacklisting me'
The actress also clarified that she does not hold Bollywood solely responsible for it. "I don't blame Bollywood or the producers and directors. It's not solely on them. We live in a time, in a country where the dominant forces and those in power have chosen to punish people for being dissenting in their opinions. They have chosen to criminalise dissent and paint dissent as anti-national and a security threat to the country. All of this is a fallout of that. I'm not the only one being punished... my friends are in jail, there are other actors who have been harassed in different ways."
Swara is quite active on social media and she often shares her unfiltered opinions on various political and social issues in the country.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Swara made her film debut with a supporting role in the 2009 drama Madholal Keep Walking. She was last seen in the film Jahaan Chaar Yaar in 2022. The actress next has Mrs Falani in the pipeline. While the shoot of the film has been completed, its release date is yet to be announced by the makers.