Mumbai: In the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, the Bandra police have recovered another critical piece of evidence. A third part of the knife was found on Swami Vivekanand Road near Bandra Talao, approximately 1.4 km from the actor’s residence at Satguru Sharan Building, Bandra West.
Accused Discards Knife Handle Near Bandra Talao
Following the incident, the accused discarded the knife handle near the lake while heading to Bandra railway station. This handle was seized by the police on Wednesday. To date, investigators have collected substantial evidence, including fingerprints, the accused’s cap, blood-stained clothes, a mobile phone, earphones, two parts of the knife, and now the third part.
These items are The knife broke into three parts during the scuffle. One part lodged in the actor’s spine, another was recovered from his residence during the panchanama, and the third, missing until now, was discovered on January 22.
Bandra Police Escorts The Accused To Bandra Talao
On Wednesday at around 5 p.m., the Bandra police escorted the accused, Mohammad Islam, 30, to Bandra Talao, located near the railway station. A forensic mobile van accompanied the team to aid in the investigation. The police spent approximately an hour and a half at the site.
CCTV footage had earlier captured the accused walking towards Bandra station around 7:30 a.m. on January 16, just hours after the attack. As the investigation continues, the police may recreate the crime scene and might also take the accused to Worli as part of their efforts to piece together the sequence of events.