Minister of Revenue Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil on Wednesday sought to clarify his remarks on sand mining in the state, saying he has always taken a stand against the illegal activity.

At a programme in Solapur district on Wednesday evening, Vikhe Patil said: “Solapur is famous for sand mining and crushers. I told the district collector to let the vehicles involved in it continue their business. Ignore them was the message.”

“The issue came before me on many occasions when I was the district guardian minister of Solapur. I used to convey the message to Kumar Ashirwad, the district collector, saying these are our people,” said Vikhe Patil at the inauguration ceremony of a multiplex in Tembhurni.

The statement came in for criticism from opposition parties and the public, who accused the minister of supporting and protecting the sand mafia.

“I have always taken a stand against sand mining in riverbeds,” Vikhe Patil said in his clarification.