Mumbai: The BMC informed on Wednesday that it has started implementing immediate measures suggested by IIT Bombay for controlling dust pollution at Shivaji Park. The immediate measures include using rollers to control dust flying, ground-leveling and spraying water on the ground to settle the dust.

“The measures taken now are short-term as suggested by IIT and the institute will study the soil pattern and wind speed and suggest long-term measures in due course,” the statement issued by the BMC said.

The residents of Dadar’s Shivaji Park have been complaining about excessive dust pollution. The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) had also sent notice to the BMC last year to take action against the dust pollution at Shivaji Park. Amidst the deteriorating air quality in the city, the MPCB chairman visited the ground in the first week of January and asked the BMC to take action within 15 days to address the issue of dust pollution at Shivaji Park.

Meanwhile, the BMC has put its proposal of removing the 9-inch soil layer at Shivaji Park to control dust pollution. It was four to five years ago the corporation had dumped a thick layer of red soil on the ground as part of its beautification work. However, since then the air pollution in the area increased because of the dust flying.

The FPJ had reported earlier that the IIT has asked BMC for 9 months to study the soil pattern of the historic Shivaji Park to suggest long-term measures to address the issue of dust pollution.