Mumbai: A tragic accident unfolded in Gorai, Borivali, on Tuesday when a 25-year-old two-wheeler rider lost his life after being struck by a BEST bus attempting to overtake him. The Borivali police have registered a case against the bus driver and issued a notice as part of their ongoing investigation.

The incident occurred near All India Radio Road, where the accused, identified as Sandesh Shrikant Sutar (32), a BEST bus driver, attempted to overtake the victim from behind. In the process, the bus collided with the two-wheeler, causing Vaibhav Vijay Kamble (25) to lose balance and fall to the ground. Kamble sustained severe injuries to his head, forehead, arms, and legs.

Despite being rushed to Shatabdi Hospital, doctors declared Kamble dead on arrival due to the severity of his injuries. Police immediately informed his father, Vijay Kamble, who was summoned to the hospital and notified of his son’s tragic demise.

Following a complaint by the victim’s father, the police filed a case under Section 106(A) of the Bhartiya Nyay Sanhita (Indian Penal Code) for causing death due to negligence. Authorities have served a notice to the bus driver as investigations continue.