Palghar, Maharashtra:  In response to the increasing incidents of cybercrime, the Palghar District Police have launched a Cybercrime-Free Village campaign aimed at educating citizens and curbing the rising tide of digital frauds in the region. With a growing number of residents falling victim to financial scams and cybercriminal activities, this initiative is designed to raise awareness and equip the public with the knowledge to protect themselves from online threats.

The campaign, spearheaded by Palghar’s Superintendent of Police, Balasaheb Patil, will involve educating villagers through videos on cybercrime prevention, financial fraud, and other social issues like child marriage and drug abuse. To further strengthen the initiative, the police will train 800 Cyber Commandos and Cyber Warriors to assist in spreading awareness and offering guidance.

The district police officers and staff will visit villages to screen videos addressing cybercrime awareness, preventing economic crimes, and eliminating social malpractices. In addition, the initiative will aim to clear doubts and provide solutions to any questions raised by the public. Projectors from local schools, colleges, social organizations, and industrial establishments will be used to ensure effective direct communication and outreach about cybercrime prevention and safety measures.

To further enhance the campaign’s impact, specialized training sessions will be conducted for staff at local colleges, including engineering institutions, to impart technical knowledge about cybercrime. These trained Cyber Warriors will play a vital role in connecting with local communities. Furthermore, an emergency response system will be set up to prevent financial losses in case of fraud, with information from financial institutions and cyber police officers being disseminated to the public.

In addition to awareness efforts, the Palghar Police will establish a Cyber Police Station equipped with advanced cyber tools and a cyber lab, to investigate and resolve cybercrime cases more efficiently. The district police are also revamping their website, which will include a chatbox for instant assistance and a system for submitting complaints related to cybercrime. Toll-free helplines (1930 and 14407) will also be introduced for citizens to report cybercrimes at the state level.

As part of broader improvements in administrative efficiency, the Palghar Police will set up help desks at local stations, providing easier access for residents to submit complaints and evidence online. Video conferencing will be available for those unable to visit in person, ensuring better access to services.

Palghar Police Superintendent Patil also highlighted that despite the district’s rapid population growth, serious crimes have remained under control. Around 4,500 CCTV cameras are now operational across the district, improving crime investigation efforts.

Through this multi-faceted approach, the Palghar Police aim to tackle the growing problem of cybercrime while improving accessibility, efficiency, and communication between the police and the community.