The Crime Branch Unit of the Thane police arrested a 53-year-old man for allegedly possessing 5.48 kg of ambergris worth Rs 5 crore, with the intention to sell it in Thane. The accused has been identified as Nitin Morulu, a resident of Pune.
Deepak Ghuge, a police sub-inspector from the Crime Branch, received reliable information about the man possessing ambergris and intending to sell it to someone on January 20. He informed his supervisor about the tip. Acting on the information, they laid a trap in Rabodi, Thane, intercepted the man, and recovered 5.48 kilograms of ambergris valued at Rs 5 crore.
A case was registered against him at Rabodi Police Station under the relevant sections of the Wildlife Protection Act.
Sachin Gaikwad, Senior Police Inspector from Crime Branch Unit One, stated, "We arrested him, produced him in court, and placed him in police custody for further investigation. We are trying to ascertain where he procured the ambergris from and to whom he intended to sell it. The investigation is ongoing."