Bellary (Karnataka), January 22: A strange incident of black magic took place outside the administrative office of the Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) in Karnataka's Bellary. The incident has left employees of the office shocked and worried. The reason for this black magic ritual is believed to be linked to the recent firing of employees by the company.

The Black Magic Ritual

As per reports, at the entrance of the KMF office, several unusual objects were found. These included a black doll, a large pumpkin with nails driven into it, coconuts, lemons, saffron and red vermilion. The ritual also involved a small structure wrapped with a thread, a pouch tied with a coconut and symbols or writings on a lid. Everything was marked with vermilion and the pumpkin and lemons had nails stuck in them.

No Clue About the Culprits

Despite the presence of CCTV cameras and security guards at the office, no one was caught on camera performing the ritual and the guards also did not notice anyone performing the rituals. This has made the situation even more mysterious.

Employee Layoffs and Discontent

The incident occurred after the company's decision to lay off several employees due to financial problems. KMF is struggling with losses and 50 employees have been shortlisted for potential layoffs. The firing has made some employees angry and it is believed that the black magic ritual could have been an act of retaliation from these disgruntled workers.

Possible Political Connection

Some people have speculated that the black magic ritual could be connected to politics. There are claims that it may have been done to gain political advantage, but no evidence has been found to confirm this.

Ongoing Investigation

The black magic incident has sparked discussions among KMF employees and the locals in the area. Investigations are underway to find out who was behind the ritual. As the mystery continues, this incident has raised concerns about workplace stress and the impact of superstitions in today’s world.