Under Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis’s 100-point programme, the Tribal Development Department is conducting various initiatives to support students. One such initiative is the organisation of study camps for students of Eklavya Residential Schools appearing for the CBSE board exams of classes 10 and 12. These camps aim to enhance exam preparation through expert guidance.

There are 37 Eklavya Residential Schools under the Maharashtra Tribal Public School Society. For the academic year 2024-25, study camps are being conducted in 12 schools for class 10 students, including Pimpri Sadroddin, Titve, Ajmer Saundane, Nandurbar, and others. Similarly, camps are being held in seven schools for class 12 students, such as Pethroad, Kambalgaon, Maveshi, and Aheri.

Key highlights:

- Expert guidance: Cluster-wise experts, examiners, and examination controllers are training students with simplified tips and strategies.

- Participation:

- Class 10: 1,337 students (653 boys, 684 girls).

- Class 12: 579 students (254 boys, 325 girls).

Revision and practice:

The CBSE exams for Classes 10 and 12 will take place from Feb 15 to Apr 4.

To ensure thorough preparation, students are provided with question banks, answer sheets and practice sessions. The entire syllabus is being revised during the study camps, and students' doubts are being addressed effectively.