Navi Mumbai: Over the past two years, Navi Mumbai police have intensified their efforts to curb illegal immigration and activities within the city, resulting in the apprehension of 224 Bangladeshi nationals found residing illegally or involved in unlawful activities.

In the year 2023, a total of 506 foreigners were deported and 297 foreigners were blacklisted. Of these, 89 were Bangladeshis and a total of 36 cases were filed against them. Meanwhile, in the year 2024, 669 foreigners were deported and 540 were blacklisted. Of these, 135 were illegal Bangladeshi immigrants and a total of 47 cases were filed against them.

The arrests were made during a series of operations carried out across Navi Mumbai, targeting suspected areas such as slums, construction sites, and informal settlements by the local police as well as the crime branch. Most of the apprehended individuals were found without valid documentation, including visas or work permits.

“As a part of ‘drug free Navi Mumbai’ we have been conducting raids to nab people involved in illegal activities. Maximum number of foreigners deported are Nigerians. We have also appealed to the citizens to inform the local police when they rent out their flats to any foreign national. They need to also do a registered rent agreement and submit a copy to us,” Assistant commissioner of police (crime branch) Ajay Landge said.

A senior police official stated, “The majority of those apprehended were engaged in unorganized labour sectors such as construction, domestic work, or small businesses. While some entered India in search of better economic opportunities, a fraction were involved in illegal activities.”

The Navi Mumbai police are set to intensify their efforts, employing advanced surveillance technologies and expanding their network of informants. Awareness campaigns are also being planned to educate locals about identifying and reporting suspicious activities.

A helpline -8828 112 112- has also been launched for individuals to report information related to drugs anonymously. The police have encouraged citizens to use the helpline to report drug-related activities and participate in the campaign.

“May it be about consumption, sale or purchase of drugs, if anyone has any kind of inputs we urge to report to us on the helpline number anonymously,” Navi Mumbai Commissioner Milind Bharambe said.