Mumbai: In a devastating incident on Wednesday evening near Pardhade station in the Bhusaval Division of Central Railway, nearly a dozen people lost their lives, and several others sustained injuries.

According to sources, the Lucknow-Mumbai Puspak Express had been halted due to chain pulling. During the halt, several passengers reportedly alighted and began walking along the adjacent track. Tragically, moments later, the speeding Karnataka Express approached on the down line and ran over the passengers. According to CPRO CR only 7 to 8 person injured.

Eyewitnesses described the scene as chaotic, with passengers caught unaware by the oncoming train. Local authorities and railway officials rushed to the scene to provide assistance.

While official confirmation of the death toll is awaited, preliminary reports from sources suggest that more than 10 people lost their lives, and many others were injured in the mishap. Rescue operations are ongoing, and injured passengers have been rushed to nearby hospitals for treatment.

Authorities have launched an investigation to ascertain the circumstances that led to the accident, including the chain-pulling incident.