In a major crackdown against the narcotics trade in the city, Pune Police seized 1.10 kilogram of opium worth Rs 29.80 lakh from Kondhwa, officials said on Wednesday. The accused has been identified as Nathuram Jeevaram, (54, native of Asavari, Mundwa, Rajasthan), they added.
According to the police, when the Narcotics Cell Unit One was patrolling in the Kondhwa jurisdiction, they got a tip-off about Jeevaram.
Acting on the information, they laid a trap and found Jeevaram standing on a road near Uttam Society with a red-coloured travel bag. He was caught red-handed with 1.10 kilograms of opium valued at Rs 29.80 lakh.
Ulhas Kadam, Senior Police Inspector, said, "Accused Jeevaram came to Pune to do carpentry works. However, in the lure of earning more money in a short period, he got involved in the illegal narcotics business. He has been arrested. The matter is under investigation and soon people associated will be arrested."
Regarding the matter, a case has been filed in Kondhwa Police Station under Sections 8(a) and 17(b) Of the Narcotics Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act.