The unique fusion of Kashmir and Maharashtra's art and culture was experienced by Punekars on Tuesday. The occasion was the 13th Kashmir Festival 'Ajmate-e-Kashmir'. The festival was organised by Sarhad, Pune, and Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd. at Natsamrat Nilu Phule Theatre, Pimple Gurav. The fans played Kashmiri instruments in the program that lasted for more than three hours.
Shamima Akhtar, who is famous for Kashmiri and Marathi singing and bhajans, was the main attraction of the festival. Alamdar Bhagat Theater, as well as Mazhar Siddiqui, Shamima Akhtar, and Rohit Thakur's Sarhad Music artists, participated. The cultural tradition of Kashmir was experienced through unique performances of traditional Kashmiri folk art, folk songs, folk dance, and folk drama.
The program was inaugurated by Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd. Managing Chairman Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd. Chief Engineer Anil Kolap, and Sarhad Pune Founder Chairman Sanjay Nahar.
Kashmiri Shehnai and more
The program began with the playing of Kashmiri shehnai. Kashmiri artists, using shehnai and dholak effectively, played the song ‘Saare Jahan Se Achcha’ along with traditional compositions. Students of Sarhad School performed dances on traditional songs of Maharashtra. Preserving the heritage of cultural art, the artists performed Kashmiri dramas and traditional Kashmiri songs. Shamima Akhtar, who is famous for Kashmiri and Marathi singing as well as bhajans, became the main attraction of the festival. Along with traditional Kashmiri songs, Bollywood hits, Shamima won the hearts of the fans by performing the abhanga ‘Maje Maher Pandhari’ on special demand of the fans, chanting the name of Lord Vitthal.
The dance-singing culture of Kashmir and Maharashtra became the attraction of the program. This beautiful dance combination presented by the students of the border school won the hearts of the audience.
The program concluded with the performance of the Bhand troupe, and Kashmiri dance was performed. Traditional Kashmiri musical instruments and dance won the hearts of the audience. Punekars attended this Kashmiri festival in large numbers and enjoyed it to the fullest. The program was hosted by Sanchi More and Shweta Jadhav.