Saif Ali Khan, Bollywood's nawab, has returned home following surgery, leaving fans amazed. Walking effortlessly as he greeted well-wishers with a warm smile, he was spotted outside his residence. While some applauded his resilience and strength, others were skeptical about his swift recovery, calling it "too good to be true." Mixed reactions from netizens quickly poured in, sparking discussions online.
How can Saif Ali Khan walk perfectly after a spinal cord injury?
After Saif's discharge from the hospital, although fans were happy to see Saif, they were not convinced how a human with 6 injuries, two of which were reported severe, can walk out of hospital looking perfectly fine. Netizens suspected planned attack and were curious as to how is he fine after undergoing such severe injuries.
Amit Thadani, a surgeon explained on X (formerly Twitter) how his walk is normal after medical advancements in today's age. "Saw the video of Saif walking out of hospital in good condition. That’s the beauty of modern medicine. Dural puncture with CSF leak - close the defect, remove drain in 2-3 days and discharge. Nowadays major spine surgery itself has become a 1-day stay with no bed rest needed," he said.
He also mentioned how it is likely that the exploration of the neck wound showed no major injuries which says that he required only sutures without the need for a hospital stay. The neck dressing visible in the video supports this observation.
Another doctor slammed netizen's suspecting Saif's walk by saying, "For people doubting if Saif Ali Khan really had a spine surgery (funnily even some doctors!). This is a video of my mother from 2022 at the age of 78y, walking with a fractured foot in a cast and a spine surgery on the same evening when spine surgery was done. A younger fit person can recover even faster. For doctors who are doubting Saif's recovery... all I want to tell you is to get better exposure.
Attack on Saif Ali Khan
On Thursday morning, Saif Ali Khan was attacked by an intruder at his Bandra residence, where he lives with his wife, Kareena Kapoor, and their two children. Rushed to Lilavati Hospital at 3 am, the actor had been admitted for treatment. Doctors revealed that he arrived with six injuries, including two deep cuts, and was leaking spinal fluid. During a five-hour surgery at the hospital, a piece of the knife was successfully removed from his body, after which he was moved to the ICU later in the day. Following this, his doctors reported that he was out of danger and was recovering well.