Mumbai: A fire broke out at the Navnit Motors BMW showroom on CST Road near Landmark CHS in Santa Cruz's Kalina area. The fire incident took place early Wednesday morning. The blaze was confined to the office on the first floor of the ground-plus-one structure, was reported at 7:44 am by the Mumbai Fire Brigade (MFB).

Emergency services, including the police, MFB and a 108 ambulance, were swiftly mobilised to the scene. At 8:00 am, the fire was categorised as a Level-1 incident, indicating a minor fire. Updates were provided by MFB at 8:08 am. The fire was extinguished at 9:51 am.

No Injuries Reported In The Fire Incident

Fortunately, no injuries were reported in the incident. Firefighters worked efficiently to contain the blaze and prevent it from spreading to other parts of the structure. The cause of the fire is yet to be determined and further investigations are underway.

More details are awaited.