Sivarapalli is a comedy series starring Muralidhar Goud, Rag Mayur, and Pavani Karanam, among others. It is a remake of one of the most successful Hindi comedy-drama series, Panchayat. The series explores themes of rural life, bureaucratic systems, and personal growth. It is set to drop on OTT in January 2025.

When and where to watch Sivarapalli?

The anticipated series will stream from January 24, 2025, on Amazon Prime Video. The streaming platform shared the trailer on X and captioned, "Swagatham It's time to meet all the beautiful people & stories from Sivarapalli #SivarapalliOnPrime, New Series, Jan 24."


The story of the series follows Shyam, a young man who aims to secure a government job after completing his engineering degree. However, he ends up with a low-paying job in a small village called Thalivettiyan Palayam. Abhishek decides to prepare for his exams while working in the village.

Will he be able to balance his studies and job to achieve his goal? What will happen when he discovers that life in rural areas is completely different from that in urban areas? Will he be able to survive there?

All about Sivarapalli

The eight-episodic series features Muralidhar Goud, Pavani Karanam, Sunny Palle, Uday Gurrala, Rupa Lakshmi, Rag Mayur, and Pavani Karanam, among others. The series is directed by Bhaskar Maurya and written by Shanmukha Prashanth. The show will stream in Telugu with English subtitles.

It is produced by Vijay Koshy, Amit Prasad, Arunabh Kumar, Ravikiran Madineedi, and Shreyansh Pandey under the banner of The Viral Fever (TVF).