Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was finally discharged from Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai on Tuesday, five days after he was attacked at his Bandra residence. The actor, who underwent a major surgery on January 16 post the attack, returned home with Kareena Kapoor Khan on Tuesday afternoon.
Saif reportedly suffered six wounds, out of which two were quite deep, and one was close to the actor's spinal cord and it caused a leakage of spinal fluid, as per doctors. The doctors treating Saif at Lilavati Hospital also surgically removed a 2.5-inch broken piece of knife from his back, and he has now been advised complete bed rest.
On Sunday, Saif's attacker was arrested from a labour camp in Thane. According to police, the attacker, identified as Mohammed Shehzad, had entered Saif's house in the wee hours of January 16 with an intention to rob the house, but when the actor tried to hold him back, he attacked Saif, leaving him with six injuries.
The police claimed that Shehzad is a Bangladeshi national, who had been illegally living in Mumbai for the past few months. Reports also claimed that cops discovered Shehzad to be a national-level wrestling champion for Bangladesh.
While Saif and Kareena, along with their kids, have moved back to their old Bandra house, cops took the accused to the residence where the attack happened to recreate the crime scene on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, Kareena Kapoor Khan has requested privacy for the family in these times of distress. "It has been an incredibly challenging day for our family, and we are still trying to process the events that have unfolded. As we navigate this difficult time, I respectfully and humbly request that the media and paparazzi refrain from the relentless speculation and coverage," she wrote on Instagram.
"While we appreciate the concern and support, the constant scrutiny and attention are not only overwhelming but also pose a significant risk to our safety. I kindly request that you respect our boundaries and give us the space we need to heal and cope as a family," she added.