Jailer actor Vinayakan has made it to the headlines for a wrong reason once again. A video of the actor has gone viral on social media in which he is seen hurling abuses at his neighbour from the balcony. After shouting at the neighbours, he is seen lying down in the balcony and doing some obscene gestures. This behavior of Vinayakan has surely made netizens upset.

A netizen posted on X, "Actor or Drunker He should be banned from acting." Another X user questioned his behaviour and wrote, "What Happened to actor #Vinayakan?" One more netizen posted, "Why #Vinayakan is not arrested for that behaviour? Ippo oraalde dress ne pati paramarshichal vare arrest cheyyunille ithu aareyum bhaadikunnilla enn aano? Also he used curse words too…evident."

After the video went viral on social media, Vinayakan took to Facebook to share an apology. He wrote, "As a film actor and as a person to deal with many subjects, I can't. From my side, for all negative energies, to the general public, I apologize. Let the discussion continue..."

This is not the first time when Vinayakan is in the news for a wrong reason. Earlier, the actor was arrested for allegedly misbehaving with one of the gate staff while he was drunk. Later, in 2023, he was arrested for creating a scene at a local police station in Ernakulam, Kerala.