Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Kolar police have registered an FIR against three directors of Pune-based Shrishti Trade Com Limited for allegedly preparing forged documents, committing fraud and selling mortgaged land. The accused Rajesh Jain and Radhika Jain reportedly sold off land worth crores that was already mortgaged to a bank and partially owned by another builder. 

The total  5.25-acre property carried a loan liability of approximately ₹110 crore from three different banks. Investigating officer Sub-Inspector (SI) Manoj Yadav told Free Press that the fraudulent sale involves nearly 4 acres of land located in Bawadia Kalan Shahpura, owned by the company and 1 acre adjacent land belonging to Ram Kumar Singh, the director of RSR Housing and Construction Company.

The officer further said that in 2012, the accused sold Singh’s 1-acre plot for Rs 3.84 crore using post-dated cheques, none of which were cleared. Singh subsequently filed an objection and sought to cancel the registry at the Registrar’s Office.

In 2024, the accused allegedly made a fraudulent deal with Shiv Construction Company, selling their mortgaged 3.25 acres along with Singh's 1-acre plot, totaling 5.25 acres. The land registry was executed under forged documents at the Registrar's Office. 

SI Yadav added that Singh raised objections again when the accused attempted to transfer the land to Shiv Construction Company through the Kolar Tehsil office. He informed the Tehsil office that 1 acre of the property belonged to him and had been sold without his consent. Further investigation revealed that the entire 5.25-acre property had been mortgaged to three banks, with loans totaling Rs 110 crore. 

To bypass objections, the accused allegedly forged NOCs from the banks and submitted them to the Tehsil office. When Singh learned about the fake documents, he lodged a formal complaint with the Kolar police.  The SI confirmed that an FIR has been registered against the directors of Shrishti Trade Com Limited under charges of forgery and fraud. The police are investigating the case, but so far no arrests have been made and further probe is on.