The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) announced the results of the Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) January 2025 at 2:00 PM today. Results can be downloaded from, the official ICSI website.

To check their results, candidates must enter their CSEET registration number and date of birth (DOB). Additionally, as no hard copies will be provided, candidates must view their findings online.

Direct Link to check the result

Exam date:

How to check the result:

Details mentioned on the scorecard:

The result details would include the name of the candidate, their qualifying status, their subject-specific scores, and their overall exam scores.

Exam details

The CSEET exam was administered remotely rather than in person at a testing location. Candidates took the test from home or any other convenient, remote location utilising a laptop or desktop computer.

Passing Marks:

Candidates must receive at least 40% of the possible points in each of the individual papers (papers 1, 2, 3, and 4, if applicable). Additionally, in order to pass the test, they must receive an overall score of 50%.

Candidates are advised to visit the official website for more information.