Coimbatore, January 19: In a terrifying incident, a wild elephant tried to enter a house in Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore on Saturday (January 18) night. The people present inside the house were terrified over the visit of the unexpected guest. The incident was recorded by them and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. Luckily, no one was hurt as the elephant did not enter the house and returned after stealing a bag of rice while standing near the door.

As per reports, a male wild elephant wandered into the residential area of Therkkupalayam in Coimbatore district, creating a moment of excitement and fear among the residents.

Details About The Incident

The wild elephant broke into the house and left after stealing several provisions, including rice. The four migrant workers inside were unharmed. The workers, living in a rental house, were cooking when they noticed the elephant moving nearby. Reacting quickly, they turned off the gas stove to avoid attracting the animal further.

The elephant used its trunk to check on what is available to eat for the animal inside the house. The animal touched everything inside the house with its trunk. The video shows that the elephant also touched the gas cylinder with its trunk. Luckily, the gas was turned off by the migrant labours present inside the house. Finally, the elephant grabbed a bag of ration rice from the house. After eating the rice, it calmly left the area without causing any harm.

Video Goes Viral

The guest workers recorded the incident on their mobile phones. The video of the tusker’s visit quickly went viral on social media on Sunday, drawing attention to the unique encounter.

This incident highlights the frequent interactions between wildlife and humans in areas near forests. It is advisable to stay cautious and report such sightings to avoid any potential danger.