Thane: Following the shocking arrest of the man who attacked Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, Praveen Nagare, Shakha Pramukh of Eknath Shinde's Shiv-Sena and a resident of Hiranandani Estate, Thane, has raised concerns about the safety protocols in housing societies. Nagare has urged all residential societies to implement stringent verification processes for labourers and workers entering their premises to prevent such incidents in the future.

“The safety of residents cannot be compromised. We need thorough background checks of all labourers working in and around our societies. Such incidents should serve as a wake-up call for everyone,” said Nagare.

Naresh Mhaske, MP of the Shiv Sena (Eknath Shinde faction), has supported Nagare’s call and emphasized the need for community vigilance. Speaking on the matter, Mhaske stated, “The safety of Thane’s residents is our priority. I urge housing societies to cooperate with local authorities and police to ensure proper documentation and verification of all workers. Together, we can create a secure environment for everyone.”

Mhaske further added, " We will be meeting the Thane police commissioner and will check with him whether the Thane police do the verification check of all the workers working at construction sites and staying in labour camps. We will request him that all the labours and the workers working in Thane at construction sites and staying in Labour Camps should be checked so that the people coming from Bangladesh and involved in such activities should be stopped."

The arrest of the accused from the labour camp near Hiranandani Estate in Thane has left Thane residents on edge, with many questioning the current safety measures in place. Local authorities have assured residents that they will take appropriate action to tighten security in the area.