The primary accused behind the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan was arrested by Mumbai Police on Sunday and was sent to five-day police custody by Bandra court. Police also hinted at an 'international conspiracy' angle in the case, stating that the accused is from Bangladesh, however, the latter's lawyer called the police's claims bogus.
The police told the court that the accused, identified as Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, entered India illegally from Bangladesh and has been living her for the past five months. But Shehzad's lawyer Sandeep Shekhare refuted the claims and said, "The police have no proof that he is a Bangladeshi. They said that he came here 6 months ago, but it is a wrong statement. He has been living here for more than 7 years. His family is in Mumbai too. This is a clear-cut violation of 43A. No proper investigation has been done."
Shekhane went on to say that the 'international conspiracy' angle was suggested by the cops only because the accused stayed in Bangladesh earlier. "First of all, Saif Ali Khan has never made any statement or does not have any grievance with anyone that would create a threat for him from any state, Bangladesh or any other country. He does not have any international cases. They changed the angle of the case just because he (the accused) is Bangladeshi... Earlier, he was in Bangladesh but he has been living here for many years now. Police said he has been living here for 6 months, that is not true," he said.
During the hearing in court, public prosecutor Kishor Patil said that Shehzad knew that he was entering the house of a celebrity. The cops are now trying to finding out if more people were involved in the attack.
Shehzad had allegedly entered Saif and Kareena Kapoor Khan's residence in the wee hours of January 16 with an aim to rob the house, but he attacked the actor to save himself and flee the scene.
Saif was stabbed by Shehzad and he suffered six wounds post which he was rushed to the Lilavati Hospital where he underwent surgery.