The Pune International Cartoon Festival, which has been drawing attention for the past two years, is concluding today at Balgandharva Kaladalan. The exhibition, which opened on January 17, features the works of 280 cartoonists—140 from India and 140 from abroad—offering sharp, humorous, and poignant commentary on politics, society, the environment, modern technology, pollution, water scarcity, and global conflicts.

This year’s festival, organized by Yuva Samvad Samajik Sanstha in collaboration with the Cartoonist Combine, aimed to establish a unique identity for Pune's cultural scene through cartoons. The exhibition has attracted a large audience and has featured some of the finest local and international talents. In addition to the artwork, the event also included live cartoon demonstrations and seminars on January 18 and 19.

The festival was inaugurated by senior journalist Avinash Bhat, with notable cartoonists Vaijnath Dulange, Ghanshyam Deshmukh, Lahu Kale, Ganesh Joshi, and painter Murali Lahoti in attendance. The exhibition closes today at 8 pm, so make sure to visit and experience these thought-provoking cartoons before it ends!