New Delhi: Delhi BJP spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor has slammed Aam Aadmi Party National Convener Arvind Kejriwal for trying to create "confusion" through a film about his arrest, emphasizing that innocence cannot be proven through private screenings but must be established in a court of law.

In a press statement on Saturday, Kapoor accused the former Delhi Chief Minister of resorting to desperate measures amid a potential electoral defeat.

"Arvind Kejriwal has lost his political balance and has b een making absurd statements daily. Now, he has tried to create new confusion by producing a short film about his arrest and arranging for its screening," Kapoor said.

Claim Made By Former Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal

Kejriwal recently claimed that the private screening of his film would expose the alleged behind his arrest, adding that the BJP had the police stop the event. Kapoor dismissed this assertion as "laughable," questioning its credibility.

The BJP spokesperson further pointed out that Kejriwal's actions violated legal restrictions. "Kejriwal should remember that prior to any private screening, he requires the court's permission, as the court has prohibited him from making public statements or discussions regarding his case," Kapoor noted.

Kapoor stressed that such tactics by the Delhi Chief Minister would not change the legal process. "Merely showing his self-produced film in a private screening will not establish his innocence; he will need to prove his innocence in a court of law," he added.

Allegation Made By AAP Against The BJP

Meanwhile, AAP alleged that the BJP is trying to stop the release of the documentary movie titled 'Unbreakable', based on the time when several top AAP leaders went to jail.

AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal shared the trailer of the movie on social media platform X.

"This is the trailer of the film "Unbreakable" made on the Aam Aadmi Party. Watch the trailer. You will understand why the BJP wants to stop this film," AAP chief posted on X.

After Delhi Police said that no permission was taken for the screening of the film 'Unbreakable', Kejriwal said that this film screening was not an election event rather it was a private event.

The police emphasised that political parties must apply for permission for such events through a single-window system at the District Election Officer's (DEO) office, adding that the police can neither grant nor reject such permission at this time.

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