Bidar: A scientific payload attached to a balloon landed in Jalsangi village of Karnataka's Bidar on Saturday. The incident created panic among the locals. A video of the balloon with payload surrounded by locals of Jalsangi village also surfaced online and soon it went viral.
The police also reached the spot and examined the payload. In the locals, locals could be seen in shock after the long fall in their village. Anxiety could also be seen in the villagers due to the blinking of a red light. The police cordoned off the area and directed the locals to stay away from the payload.
Visuals From The Spot:
Some reports claimed that the satellite payload balloon belonged to the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in Hyderabad.
When the balloon fell, the locals immediately alerted the authorities. Some reports even claimed that a letter written in Kannada along with the balloon pointed out that the object was released from the TIFR in Hyderabad.
The TIFR is a leading research Institute under the Department of Atomic Energy of the Government of India. It is a publicly deemed university located at Navy Nagar in Mumbai's Colaba. The institute also has centres in Bangalore, Pune and Hyderabad. TIFR conducts research primarily in the natural sciences, the biological sciences and theoretical computer science.