Despite the strong opposition from the citizens, the massive Bollywood art installations at Bandra’s SV Road continue to come up. “Rs 3.5 billion of taxpayers' money will be misused for these ugly artwork installations under Metro 2B. The ghastly structures obstruct views, create a nuisance and benefit no one but the private contractors,” said a citizen activist from Bandra, Natasha Pereira. “Mumbai is going grey from green and we need to stop this,” the citizens opposing the Bollywood art installations say.

The FPJ had reported earlier that the citizens of Bandra West strongly condemn the Bollywood-themed installations below the Metro 2B pillars from the Bandra to Juhu stretch, a Rs 350 crore project, calling it a project to please a contractor. They demanded that shrubs be planted below the Metro 2B line and alongside pillars, similar to other sections of Metro lines in Mumbai.

Installations on Bandra SV Road

“At the time residents are urging the authorities to plan shrubs instead of metallic installations, the MMRDA will soon be removing the existing greenery below the Metro 2B line to install the ‘Ode to Bollywood’ structures,” former Congress corporator Asif Zakaria said.

Speaking over the issue, Bandra MLA Ashish Shelar said, “It was already decided to install ‘Ode to Bollywood’ structures and the shrubs were temporary. The MMRDA may come up with a policy to transplant the shrubs.”

Meanwhile, the activists from Bandra met MMRDA officials over their objections to the project. After failing to receive any official response from the authorities to their objections, the citizens now plan to launch a protest on SV Road where the Bollywood art installations are coming up.

The residents of Bandra, Juhu and Santacruz had earlier also submitted petitions to the authorities, including the MMRDA, the agency implementing the beautification project.