A Kerala sessions court on Friday convicted 24-year-old Greeshma of murdering her former boyfriend Sharon Raj in 2022. While her mother was acquitted, her uncle Nirmmalakumaran Nair was found guilty of abetting the crime. Sentencing is scheduled for Saturday.
Greeshma, who was engaged to marry a military officer, poisoned Sharon by mixing herbicide in an ayurvedic drink she served him at her home on October 14, 2022. After consuming the drink, Sharon became ill and was hospitalised, ultimately dying of multiple organ failure on October 25. Before his death, he suspected Greeshma had poisoned him.
According to reports, Greeshma had made multiple previous attempts to poison Sharon using painkillers. She claimed she wanted to end their relationship and feared he would share intimate photos with her future husband. She was arrested on October 31, 2022, and charged with murder and related offenses. She received bail in September 2023.
According to reports, when Sharon visited Greeshma's house on October 14, 2022, she offered him a concoction, claiming it would relieve pain. As the drink was bitter in taste, she offered him mango juice along with it.
After Sharon left her house, he began to feel sick and started vomiting. Later, he was taken to Parassala Government Hospital, from where he was referred to the Thiruvananthapuram Medical College Hospital. Sharon was sent back home from the hospital as doctors did not find anything abnormal in his blood test report.
The next day, his health deteriorated and he was again taken to Thiruvananthapuram Medical College Hospital. This time he was admitted to the ICU, and his blood test showed major variations. Later, doctors found his internal organs were damaged. On October 25, Sharon died due to a cardiac arrest caused by organ failure.