Vedant Chheda, a promising 17-year-old talent, delivered a fine performance in the Avaada Otters Squash Open held at Otters Club, Bandra. Competing in his debut Under-19 tournament, Chheda stunned fourth-seeded Omkar Vinod with a commanding straight games victory of 11-3, 11-6, 11-3 to book his place in the semifinals.

Vedant displayed maturity beyond his years, maintaining composure and employing a strategic mix of precise drop shots and powerful strokes to dominate the match. His exceptional gameplay has set him apart as a serious contender in the section.

In another quarterfinal, top-seeded Karan Yadav demonstrated his prowess, overcoming Teerth Jilka in straight games, 11-4, 12-10, 11-2. Karan held his nerve in the closely contested second game to secure his spot in the semis.

Karan Yadav demonstrated his prowess, overcoming Teerth Jilka in straight games,

Meanwhile, Udit Mishra also advanced with a clinical display, defeating Abhinav Singh 11-5, 11-5, 11-5. Udit's consistency and near error-free performance ensured a smooth progression to the next stage.

GU-17 Results: Anika Dubey bt Anoushka Johri 11-2,11-3,11-4; Aarika Mishra bt Saanvi Shree 11-6, 11-4,11-5; Vyomika Khandelwal bt Evana Gada 11-9, 8-11, 9-11, 11-7,11-5.