On Thursday morning, actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked by an intruder armed with a knife six times at his Bandra residence in Mumbai. He was quickly rushed to Lilavati Hospital by his elder son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, where he underwent surgery. Dr. Nitin Dange, the neurosurgeon who performed the surgery, has since provided an update on Saif's health.

Speaking to Times Now, the doctor stated that Saif is recovering well and the actor is 'positive' and 'happy' about his recovery. "He is able to walk, we have decided to shift him from the ICU to the room. But, strictly we have advised him for the rest because of the spinal injury and the surgery which has undergone on the spine and the dural repair for the CSF or the spinal fluid leaking," he added.

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The doctor furthermore said that Saif's surgery was done yesterday and they have advised him to take complete bed rest.

Talking about Saif's injuries, the doctor said that he had four major injuries, four wounds. Two are on the left hand, one is on the neck. "The major one which was with the sharp object harbouring into the spine or sharp object inside the spine, lodged inside the spine. It was quite deep touching the dura and almost just short of the spinal cord. The sharp object has been removed," he shared.

The doctor also revealed that today Saif's wounds are better as compared to yesterday after his Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was repaired. He shared that Saif was able to walk today and that the sharp object inserted into his back has been sent for forensic analysis.