LTIMindtree reported a mute growth in revenue for the quarter at Rs 96,60.9 crore, up 7.1 per cent YoY from Rs 90,16.6 crore in Q3 FY24 and a slight 2.4 per cent QoQ increase from Rs 94,32.9 crore. In constant currency, the revenue increased 5.6 per cent year over year to Rs 1,138 million from Rs 1,083 million in the same quarter last year.
This was primarily caused by the banking and financial services vertical's 10.1 per cent YoY increase to Rs 35,308 crore and the telecoms segment's corresponding growth to Rs 22,808 crore.
Net profit Q3 FY25
The quarter's net profit decreased from Rs 1168 crore in Q3 FY24 to Rs 1,084 crore, a 9.45 per cent decrease. Furthermore, in Q3 FY25, the company recorded a record order inflow of USD 1.68 billion, a 29 per cent increase over the previous quarter.
There were 86,800 professionals working for the company overall at the end of the quarter, including 2,362 new hires.
Share performance
The shares of LTI mindtree were trading at Rs 5,860.15 per share on the Indian exchanges with a 1.98 per cent decline amounting to a Rs 118.65 per share on the dalal street.
In terms of operations, the quarter's earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) came to Rs 18,66.1 crore, a 2.2 per cent increase over the same quarter last year at Rs 18,62.9 and a 4 per cent sequential decline from Rs 19,487 crore.
For the quarter that ended in December 2024, the EBITDA margins decreased by 150 basis points from 18 per cent in the prior quarter and 110 basis points to 16.5 per cent from 17.6 per cent in Q3 FY24.
This was mostly caused by an 11 per cent YoY increase in employee benefit costs, which came to Rs 6,254.9 crore and accounted for over 80 per cent of the quarter's total expenses.