Navi Mumbai: In an ongoing effort to curb the use of single-use plastic, the Panvel Municipal Corporation (PMC) has intensified its anti-plastic drive under the guidance of Commissioner Mangesh Chitale. Over the past 16 days, the corporation has seized 47 kilograms of plastic bags and collected fines amounting to Rs 80,000. The drive has been carried out across four wards: Panvel, Kharghar, Kalamboli, and Kamothe.

A significant operation was conducted in Kalamboli under Ward Committee 'B' on January 16. During this drive, approximately 9 kilograms of plastic bags were seized, and a fine of Rs 10,000 was imposed. Chief Health Inspector Arun Kamble led the operation, supported by a dedicated team of PMC staff.

In addition to recent actions in Kalamboli, consistent operations across other wards have resulted in the seizure of over 38 kilograms of single-use plastic. The campaign aims to enforce the ban on single-use plastics and discourage their use, storage, and sale.

“We have implemented a strict ban on single-use plastics in our jurisdiction, aligning with the revised Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change. Under these rules, the production, import, storage, distribution, sale, and use of single-use plastics have been prohibited since July 1, 2022,” an officer from PMC said.

Shopkeepers across all wards have been instructed to place garbage bins outside their establishments. Non-compliance with this directive has also led to fines. Penalties for violations under this drive are stringent. Offenders face a Rs 5,000 fine for the first offense, Rs 10,000 for the second, and Rs 25,000 along with a possible three-month imprisonment for the third.