Thieves broke into a locked house in Patoda village in Aurangabad and made off with valuables worth Rs 8 lakh in broad daylight on Wednesday. The entire theft incident was captured by CCTV cameras, and the residents are now in a state of panic due to the increasing number of burglaries in the area.

The former sarpanch of Patoda, Kalyanrao Pere Patil, along with his wife, two sons, and daughters-in-law, had gone to their farm on Wednesday morning. The house was locked and no one was home. Taking advantage of this opportunity, some unidentified thieves broke the lock on the door and entered the house. They stole jewellery, cash, and other valuables worth Rs 8 lakh and fled the scene.

At around 2:40 pm, Kalyanrao’s son, Anand, returned home and noticed that the lock on the door was broken. Upon entering and inspecting the house, he discovered that the cupboard was open and the jewellery, cash, and other valuables were missing.

The Satara police station team was informed about the theft and rushed to the spot. They conducted a panchnama and seized the CCTV footage for further investigation. In the footage, two individuals are seen breaking the lock and entering the house.

The police are now investigating the incident and working to identify the culprits.