Delhi: In a shocking and heart-wrenching incident, a dog was abandoned at a marketplace in Delhi. The German Shepherd was brought to the market on a scooter, and sadly, the owner left without him. The poor animal, filled with hope and despair, climbed onto another scooter and waited there for over eight hours, longing for his owner's return inside the Delhi market on Tuesday (January 14).

Passersby noticed the dog's sorrowful eyes, scanning the crowd in search of the person who left him behind. The story took a hopeful turn when compassionate animal lovers stepped in to help.

A volunteer stayed with the dog until 3 AM in the night to make sure the animal is safe and also provided food and care to comfort the dog. Meanwhile, animal lovers coordinated efforts to rescue the dog. One of the volunteers arranged for an ambulance to take the dog to a safe place, while another kindly offered to keep the dog at her home, ensuring he has a warm and caring environment. Another volunteer also extended support by offering a safe place for the dog.

The heart-wrenching incident was highlighted by an animal lover on his social media. Ajay Joe shared the video of the dog after it was abandoned on his social media account and said, "This evening, a dog was brought to a marketplace in Delhi on a scooter and was conveniently left behind—in other words, abandoned. The poor dog has climbed onto another scooter and has been waiting there for the past 8 hours, longing for his owner. His eyes are filled with hope and despair as he gazes around, searching for the person who left him. Location: Delhi."

Thanks to the kindness and coordination of these individuals, the dog is now on the path to safety and comfort. This incident highlights the importance of compassion and responsibility towards animals, who rely on humans for care and protection.

Netizens are reacting to the viral post and thanking the volunteers for their timely help and rescue of the innocent animal.