Saharanpur, January 15: In a shocking incident, two robbers were caught red-handed in the act in Uttar Pradesh's Saharanpur. They were brutally thrashed after being captured by the villagers while trying to rob a house in the village. The incident of the villagers thrashing the robbers after stripping them of their pants was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media.
The exact date and time of the dramatic incident in the village of Nivada, located in the Gagalhedi area of Saharanpur district is not known yet. However, the video surfaced on social media on Wednesday, January 15. The two men attempting to rob the house were caught by the villagers. The suspects had reportedly entered the house with the intent to loot by threatening the family members at gunpoint.
Thieves Caught Red-Handed
The villagers caught the two men in the act of burglary. After capturing them, the villagers tied them up, stripped them of their pants and beat them brutally with sticks. A video of this incident has since gone viral on social media. The police swung into action after the video of the incident went viral on social media.
Police Action
The police reached the spot after they were reportedly informed about the incident by the villager. Based on the viral video and the villagers' accounts, the Gagalhedi Police have taken both the accused into their custody and initiated an inquiry into the matter. A formal complaint has been registered against the men under appropriate legal sections. The police are continuing their interrogating the thieves further and also examining the viral video of the incident.
The police replied to the viral video on social media and said, "In connection with this case, the Gagalhedi Police Station took the two accused, who had entered the house with the intention of looting, into custody and registered a case against them under relevant sections and took necessary legal action."
While the villagers' swift action prevented the theft, the public must not have taken the law into their own hands in such situations. Instead, it is better to contact the police immediately in case of a crime.