Sonu Kisan Dhotre (23), a resident of Charanwadi, Deolali Camp, lost his life in a tragic incident involving nylon manja on Tuesday. Dhotre, who had travelled from Gujarat on a two-wheeler to meet his family for Makar Sankranti, was fatally slashed by a nylon manja near Pathardi village on Tuesday afternoon. He suffered massive bleeding from a throat injury and succumbed to his wounds.

Around 12:30pm to 1 pm on Tuesday, while crossing the square of Pathardigaon village, on the Pathardigaon to Deolali Camp road, on a two-wheeler, a manja entangled his neck, slitting his throat. Seeing that he was bleeding profusely, some locals immediately took him to a private hospital for treatment.

At this time, Pawan Pardeshi, a Crime Branch police personnel of Indiranagar Police Station, who was on duty, noticed the matter. Pardeshi also took the initiative to ensure the victim received medical care immediately. However, since there was excessive bleeding and the throat was cut deeply due to the manja, the medical officers of the private hospital asked Dhotre to be taken to the District Government Hospital. 

Medical sources informed that Dhotre died while being treated after being admitted to the District Government Hospital. Indiranagar Police are further investigating this case.

His relatives informed that Dhotre's father passed away when he was young. He has an elder brother, sister and mother, and his brother is working in Nashik. Dhotre works as a driver on a municipal vehicle in Valsad, Gujarat. He had come to meet his brother in Nashik for the Sankranti holiday. Dhotre was going to get married on May 20. 

21 injured 

The district witnessed 21 injuries related to nylon manja on Tuesday. In the Nashik Road area, 13 individuals, including senior citizens and two-wheeler riders, were treated for injuries at the Municipal Bitco Hospital. In Sinnar taluka, six people were injured, with one person each hurt in Vinchoor and Manmad.

One incident in Vinchoor involved a young man requiring 41 stitches after his throat was slashed by nylon manja. Another case involved Rehan Shaikh (16), whose neck was injured while travelling to meet his sister. Various other incidents were reported in Sinnar taluka, highlighting the danger posed by nylon manja.

36 booked

Despite a ban on nylon manja, 13 cases have been registered within the limits of the Nashik Police Commissionerate. The accused include 21 identified individuals, six minors, and four parents. Indiranagar Police Station has filed cases against seven individuals, while eight suspects have been booked in Sinnar.