Despite the ban on the manufacture, sale and use of nylon manja since 2017, it is readily available in Pune and is being used for flying kites. Taking action against it, Pune Police have recently registered 15 cases against individuals selling it or using it to fly kites, DCP Crime Nikhil Pingale told The Free Press Journal.

Pingale informed this newspaper that online platforms selling nylon manja could face action. He also shed light on the ongoing efforts to tackle the sale and use of banned synthetic nylon manja.

"Fortunately, no fatal incident has occurred this year, but a few people have been injured. However, in future, if any such unfortunate incident occurs, the parents of the kite flyers will face legal consequences. Parents have to stop their children from using nylon manja," he said.

"Moreover, online platforms will also have to face punishment if they are found selling banned manja. We would like to inform people that the court has strictly prohibited the use of such nylon manja," he added.

The Maharashtra government introduced the ban on nylon manja in 2017 due to concerns over the safety of human beings, animals, birds and the environment. The government also imposed penalties for violation of the ban, including a fine of up to ₹5,000 and imprisonment of up to three years.