Animal lovers have lashed out at retired officer Kiran Bedi for coming in the support of a foreign resident who destroyed a dog house in Delhi's Hauz Khas and threw winter clothes meant for stray animals. A couple of videos showed a foreign woman identified as Leela packing all winter clothes inside the cardboard-based dog house in order to throw them off. According to Bedi, Leela did so allegedly after she was roaming her dog and a pack of stray dogs attacked her.

Several X posts claimed that former IPS officer Kiran Bedi sought action against dog menace near her residence in Delhi. "Temporary Dog house & winter clothes of dogs broken & removed on the instructions of Kiran Bedi", reported an X user named REVO. "Today at the request of Mrs Kiran Bedi (BJP) at Uday Park Society, Hauz Khas, Police personnel of Hoj Khas police station arrested an animal lover woman who was legally providing food to destitute animals. On the instructions of this lady, the winter clothes of the animals were also removed", said a post by Environment Human.

Netizens slam Kiran Bedi

These posts revealed that the dog house was then brought back and rebuilt by animal lover named Ashish Sharma on the same day.

However, netizens were angered by the point that a foreign woman took away the shelter created for dogs to battle severe winters at the national capital. When Bedi tried to justify Leela's actions by saying that the dogs attacked the lady, only following which she removed the dog house from the place, triggered reactions on the internet.

The foreign woman removed the winter shelter and clothes for stray dogs allegedly after she was roaming with her pet dog and a pack of stray dogs attacked her. Bedi's post suggested Leela she destroyed them in retaliation.

Animal lovers cited laws that state no individual can ban/threaten/intimidate or harass any resident who feeds, looks after stray animals and destroy items kept for their usage.

Netizens condemned the action of the foreigner who didn't report the police of any dog menace but rather took law into her hands. "Who the hell gives the right to this foreigner to take law into her own hands, the audacity. This is India. The irony is an ex "cop" is instigating her to do it. Shame", one wrote. "It be okay that foreign residents be allowed to harm our animals? Is it not easier that she handles her dog during his or her walk better", added another.

Bedi claims foreign woman acted after dog attacked her

Bedi uploaded a few visuals from the site where Leela was seen clearing up the premises by loading the dog house box with winter clothing purportedly to discard it. "A foreign resident was attacked by these street dogs, (fed collectively by few persons) while she was walking with her dog. she in anger removed all this", the retired IPS officer posted on X.

But animal lovers weren't convinced with Bedi, who was termed as a "dog hater". While Bedi claimed the foreigner was attacked but others say only her pet dog was.

In 2016, she made the headlines for wanting to curb the increasing population of dogs in Puducherry and shift stray dogs to pounds claiming they scared children and others. In another case, she broke into a dog-walking row in 2022.