A post shared 'Environment Human' on X claimed that former IPS Officer Kiran Bedi sought police action against dog menace near her residence in Delhi. The X post alleged that Kiran Bedi asked authorities to clear a dog house and remove winter clothes placed there for stray animals. The incident was reported from the Hauz Khas area of the national capital.
Did Kiran Bedi remove dog house, arrest man who rebuilt it?
The claim that Bedi removed the dog shelter and took action against the man reportedly named Ashish Sharma who tried to rebuild it went viral and angered animal lovers. But, did Kiran Bedi call the cops to clear the dog house and throw off the warm clothing meant for the animals? No.
Kiran Bedi clarifies
The retired IPS officer addressed the incident and shared what really happened at the site. She clarified and ruled out all allegation upon her with video proofs. She quashed social media reactions that held her responsible for taking off the dog house and making street dogs shelter-less again.
Bedi posted a few videos and photos pointing out that a foreigner who was attacked by these stray dogs removed the dog house. Bedi recorded visuals of the lady and identified her as Leela, a resident of 55A in the colony.
Not Kiran Bedi, woman attacked by dogs removes dog house
One of the videos showed Leela collecting clothes placed below a building in Delhi's Hauz Khas into the cardboard-based dog house in an attempt to shelter and clothes from the premises. Another footage, meanwhile, recorded the dog attack victim standing next to the dog house loaded with all the winter clothes, ready to discard them from the residential area.
Kiran Bedi released these videos on X and clarified that Leela removed the dog house and winter clothes after she was attacked by the dogs repeatedly. The video proofs were an attempt by Bedi to stop the hate she received on the internet from animal lovers.
"See the videos. This is the truth. A foreign resident was attacked by these street dogs, (fed collectively by few persons) while she was walking with her dog. she in anger removed all this", she wrote while uploading the visuals on social media. "She was saved by security and others. SHO Hauzkhas knows the truth. As police recorded and came on site", she added.