Veteran Kannada actor Sarigama Viji passed away on January 15, Wednesday, in Yeswanthpur, Karnataka. The actor was 76 at the time of his demise. He was reportedly battling age-related illnesses and he succumbed due to multiple organ failure.
According to reports, Viji was undergoing treatment at a private hospital near Yeshwanthpur. He is survived by his two children.
Viji's last rites will be held on January 16, Thursday, from 10 amd 12 noon at a crematorium near TR Mill in Chamarajpet. His mortal remains will reportedly be taken to his residence in Mahalakshmipuram for his loved ones to pay their final respects before the actor gets cremated.
Soon after news of Viji's death broke, tributes and condolences poured in from fans and well-wishers of the star and his bereaved family. Former Karnataka minister K Gopalaiah condoled Viji's demise. He posted on X, "It is with great sadness that we hear the news of the passing of Sarigama Viji, a veteran artiste of Kannada cinema and a renowned comedian."
He added, "Sarigama Viji's death, who entertained the hearts of Kannadigas by acting in hundreds of films, is an irreparable loss to the Kannada cinema industry. I pray that God may grant eternal peace to his soul."
Born as R Vijaykumar, Sarigama Viji has acted in nearly 300 films. Besides being an actor, he has also contributed to the Kannada film industry as a writer. He worked as an assistant director in 80 films.
Not just that, but he also directed around 2,400 episodes of television shows during his lifetime.