Pune: For the first time, the Indian Army Day Parade was held in Pune, Maharashtra instead of Delhi where it traditionally takes place. This move is part of a recent initiative to decentralize national military celebrations, fostering closer ties with citizens and deepening their understanding of the Army's contributions. The 2025 parade promises numerous firsts, such as women officers leading contingents and showcasing robo mules, highlighting progress and diversity.

Pune is a fitting choice due to its significant military heritage, housing key institutions like the National Defence Academy (NDA) and the Southern Command Headquarters. Additionally, its historical connections to the Maratha Empire make it a center for military strategy and training. By hosting the parade in Pune, the Indian Army seeks to recognize the city’s contributions and inspire local youth to consider a career in the armed forces.

The Army Day parade in 2025 will occur at the Bombay Engineering Group (BEG) and Centre in Pune, themed ‘Samarth Bharat, Saksham Sena,’ emphasizing modernization, inclusivity, and public engagement. This year’s celebrations will showcase the Army's advancements and preparedness, with exhibits of indigenous defence equipment such as Arjun Mk-1A tanks, K9 Vajra howitzers, and advanced drones developed under the Make in India initiative.

The event aims to foster a connection with the public, featuring live demonstrations of para-jumping and combat drills, as well as cultural performances by Army bands. Notably, a 33-member Nepal Army band will perform, symbolizing friendship between India and Nepal.

This year's parade introduces “robotic mules,” capable of carrying heavy loads across rugged terrains, highlighting technological innovation. Several crafted tableaux will honor the Mission Olympics Wing and recognize the achievements of Army veterans, the Army's environmental initiatives, and cutting-edge technologies.

Significantly, an all-girl marching contingent from the National Cadet Corps (NCC) will participate, along with an all-women group of Agniveers from the Corps of Military Police, led by Captain Sandhya Mahla. This marks a pivotal moment for women's representation in the armed forces. As the Indian Army advances, Army Day 2025 serves as a celebration of the nation's defenders, inspiring pride and unity.

Why Is Indian Army Day Celebrated?

Army Day, observed on January 15, commemorates Lieutenant General KM Cariappa’s assumption of command as the first Indian Commander-in-Chief in 1949. The day honors the bravery, sacrifices, and service of Indian Army personnel who defend the nation's sovereignty.

Traditionally held at Cariappa Parade Ground in Delhi, the parade features tributes from Service Chiefs, advanced weapon displays, and vibrant soldier marches. Recent years have seen the parade expanding to cities beyond Delhi, such as Bengaluru in 2023 and Lucknow in 2024, with Pune being the third host city.